Honor Guard
The Post 28 Honor Guard is a proud unit representing the Post.
They perform various services for our veterans and for our community.
For the veterans they perform a graveside service including a 21 gun salute for all veterans and members of the American Legion.
This service is provided free of charge by our Honor Guard and it is provided regardless of the weather.
If a family is interested in having the Honor Guard perform a funeral service,
a member of the family should have the funeral director contact the post
or the Chairman of the Honor Guard directly and request that the service be performed.
For the community our Honor Guard visits several of the schools in the community and teaches flag etiquette to the children.
This course includes the proper displaying of the flag, when to display a flag and the proper folding of the flag.
The Honor Guard, representing various age groups from World War II to Vietnam is ready, willing and able to answer the many questions the children have.
This flag etiquette program is part of the American Legion's Americanism Program that teaches pride in being an American and proud of the nation's symbol.
The Honor Guard collects old flags and prepares them for a proper retirement.
If your church or social group would like to have the Honor Guard come to your organization and perform their Flag Etiquette Program, just call the Post (Commander) and someone from the Honor Guard will contact you and make arrangements.
Please note that Post 28 has a used flag container located in the foyer of the Post.
Please FLAGS ONLY. No sticks or flag poles or boxes should be placed in or outside of the container.
Post 28 Color Guard
Pictured from left to right
Les Haus (Captain), Hack Jones, Mike Gelete, Dan Bacon, Dan Tominovich, Charlie Moon,
Stan Brown, Charlie Cramer, Rosemary Kollar, Dick Kollar
Not Pictured: Ken Mellon, Patty Trump, Kevin Mumford, Jimmy Alexander, Allen Drake, Hugh Thornton
The American Legion Post 28, Honor Guard Captain - Les Haus is asking anyone who has an American Legion neck tie, to donate them to his team. You can call Post 28 or drop it off at the Post. Thank you for your support
The Colorettes
The Colorettes are the ladies' color guard of Unit #28 Auxiliary.
Click Here To View The Function of the Colorettes.